Vehicle Comparison
Pumps Australia WP30 GP200
Ride Away No More to Pay - This price is indicative only – Government charges may vary. Contact the dealer to determine charges applicable to you.
Estimated weekly repayments are based on the ride away price displayed, financed over 60 months with a 10% deposit at a interest rate of 10.0%, comparison rate of 12.12%. The advertised comparison rate applies to home owners aged 34+. A different rate will apply if your circustmances are different. Finance only available on stock built on or after 2015. Finance to approved applicants only (excludes government, fleet and rental buyers). Maximum finance term of 60 months applies. Weekly repayments shown as a guide only, finance repayments must be made monthly or fortnightly and cannot be made weekly. The comparison rate is based on a secured consumer fixed rate loan of $30,000 over a term of 5 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Credit criteria, fees, charges and terms and conditions apply.
Stock #
Powerforce Midland
106 - 108 Morrison Road, Midland Perth, WA 6056
Phone: (08) 9274 3555
Dealer Details
4Estimated weekly repayments are based on the ride away price displayed, financed over 60 months with a 10% deposit at a interest rate of 10.0%, comparison rate of 12.12%. The advertised comparison rate applies to home owners aged 34+. A different rate will apply if your circustmances are different. Finance only available on stock built on or after 2015. Finance to approved applicants only (excludes government, fleet and rental buyers). Maximum finance term of 60 months applies. Weekly repayments shown as a guide only, finance repayments must be made monthly or fortnightly and cannot be made weekly. The comparison rate is based on a secured consumer fixed rate loan of $30,000 over a term of 5 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Credit criteria, fees, charges and terms and conditions apply.
1Driveaway No More to Pay & Inc GST includes all on road and government charges.
2Excluding Government Charges / Excludes On-Road Costs. Government charges may vary. Contact the dealer to determine charges applicable to you.
3Price on Application - Price will be disclosed to you upon contacting us.
The WP30 GP200 (3″ inch Inlet/Outlet) is an entry level model for higher volume pumping applications. Able to efficiently pump 1000 litres a minute with an impressive head pressure of 30 meters (44psi max pressure). This petrol water pump is suitable for simple on-site or off-site de-watering or fluid transfer jobs. The WP30 GP200 petrol water pump comes complete with viton elastomers throughout and a high end quality silicon carbide mechanical seals that are compatible for pumping diesel. The Impeller and Volute are made of a heavy duty cast iron, giving this pump a long life of pumping!
The WP30 GP200 is definitely a quality backed product, recommended by many industries in the area of commercial, marine, mining, drilling, and industrial.
This unit comes standard with a Powder coated Ski Frame with Carry handle.
Covered by Honda Australia’s GP Series 1 year warranty and Pumps Australia’s 1 year pump warranty.
Contact Powerhouse WA today for more information or to make a purchase.