Unlike most bulk stores, our mission is to provide a high level of customer service and support even before you take your new purchase home. When you purchase a premium product like Honda, its only natural that you expect a premium purchase experience to match.
We all know how frustrating it can be when you take a new product home in a box and then fumble through the instructions trying to put the product together. You will most likely miss important steps and features that could save you time and hassles when using the product, plus you’ll probably have to put fuel and oil in it and work out how to start it.
At Powerforce we ensure that your Honda products are fully assembled and tested by our qualified technicians, to make sure they are ready for operation as soon as you get home. Our friendly sales staff will also show you exactly how to operate your new Honda Product.
Premium Delivery Includes the Following:
☑ All rubbish is disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way.
☑ Professionally assembled by our factory-trained technicians.
☑ Product checked and tested.
☑ Product operation and key features explained by sales staff.
☑ Handover of owner manual and tool kit.
☑ Assistance to load the product into your vehicle.
We also process your product warranty registration, and for your convenience we can pre book your first scheduled service.
In most instances we are same price or even cheaper than the bulk stores.
For more information about our premium delivery service, don’t hesitate to contact us.